- Восстановление сенсорной фузии методом программируемого попеременного разобщения полей взора
- Проблемы глазодвигательной и бинокулярной патологии
- Исследование состояния фузионной способности у детей с содружественным косоглазием в зависимости от времени возникновения заболевания
- Функциональная коррекция содружественного косоглазия у детей раннего возраста
- Восстановление зрительных функций методом избирательного раздражения рецептивных полей сетчатки в лечении детей и подростков с меридиональной формой рефракционной амблиопии
- Фаден-операция Кюпперса в восстановлении зрительных функций при амблиопии у пациентов с микрострабизмом
- Клиника, диагностика и лечение косоглазия, сочетанного с птозом
- Электрофизиологические особенности амблиопии у детей с гиперметропическим астигматизмом
- Влияние диплоптического лечения на основе лазерных спеклов на состояние монокулярных зрительных функций при дисбинокулярной амблиопии
- Alternatives to corneal transplantation for the management of bullous keratopathy
- Association of Superior Oblique Muscle Volumes whith the Presence or Absence of the Trochlear Nerve on High Resolution MR Imaging in Congenital Superior Oblique Palsy
- Bagolini Glasses Do They Affect The Horizontal Prism Fusion Amplitude
- Binocular Sensory Outcomes in Accommodative ET
- Current trends in pain management after photorefractive and phototherapeutic keratectomy
- Towards understanding ocular motility: III, IV and VI
- Tumor pathology of the orbit
- Enhanced Vertical Rectus Contractility by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Superior Oblique Palsy
- Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates compartmental muscle mechanisms of human vertical fusional vergence
- Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral split lateral rectus transposition to the medial globe
- Magnetic resonance imaging of differential compartmental function of horizontal rectus extraocular muscles during conjugate and converged ocular adduction
- Phototherapeutic keratectomy
- Techniques, indications and complications of corneal debridement
- Supranuclear Eye Movement Abnormalities
- Therapeutische Excimerlaserchirurgie der Hornhaut
- Сollagen crosslinking of human and porcine sclera
- Scleral cross linking by riboflavin and blue light application in young rabbits
- Scleral mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia
- The choroid as a sclera growth regulator
- Encyclopedia of diagnostic imaging
- Current status on the development and treatment of myopia
- Extraocular muscles diseases
- Eye shape in emmetropia and myopia
- Horton tsai truwit hoyt
- Magnetic resonance imaging of innervational and extraocular muscle abnormalities in duane radial ray syndrome
- Measurement of recti eye muscle paths by magnetic resonance imaging in highly myopic and normal subjects
- Medial rectus muscle advancement in consecutive exotropia
- Summary of the gross anatomy of the extraocular muscles
- Surgical procedure joining the lateral rectus and superior rectus muscles with or without medial rectus recession for the treatment of strabismus associated with high myopia
- An approach to some aspects of strabismus from ocular and orbital trauma
- Brainstem pathways for horizontal eye movement pathologic correlation with mr imaging
- Functional imaging of human extraocular muscles in head tilt dependent hypertropia
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging of horizontal
- Image analysis of the inferior rectus muscle in orbital floor fracture
- Imaging findings in congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders
- Magnetic resonance imaging in congenital brown syndrome
- Management of strabismus in thyroid eye disease
- Orbital causes of incomitant strabismus
- The role of extraocular muscle pulleys in incomitant
- Amblyopia Challenges and Opportunities The Lasker IRRF Initiative for Innovation in Vision Science
- WSPOS Consensus Statement Myopia