
Статьи для членов АОС

  1. Восстановление сенсорной фузии методом программируемого попеременного разобщения полей взора
  2. Проблемы глазодвигательной и бинокулярной патологии
  3. Исследование состояния фузионной способности у детей с содружественным косоглазием в зависимости от времени возникновения заболевания
  4. Функциональная коррекция содружественного косоглазия у детей раннего возраста
  5. Восстановление зрительных функций методом избирательного раздражения рецептивных полей сетчатки в лечении детей и подростков с меридиональной формой рефракционной амблиопии
  6. Фаден-операция Кюпперса в восстановлении зрительных функций при амблиопии у пациентов с микрострабизмом
  7. Клиника, диагностика и лечение косоглазия, сочетанного с птозом
  8. Электрофизиологические особенности амблиопии у детей с гиперметропическим астигматизмом
  9. Влияние диплоптического лечения на основе лазерных спеклов на состояние монокулярных зрительных функций при дисбинокулярной амблиопии
  10. Alternatives to corneal transplantation for the management of bullous keratopathy
  11. Association of Superior Oblique Muscle Volumes whith the Presence or Absence of the Trochlear Nerve on High Resolution MR Imaging in Congenital Superior Oblique Palsy
  12. Bagolini Glasses Do They Affect The Horizontal Prism Fusion Amplitude
  13. Binocular Sensory Outcomes in Accommodative ET
  14. Current trends in pain management after photorefractive and phototherapeutic keratectomy
  15. Towards understanding ocular motility: III, IV and VI
  16. Tumor pathology of the orbit
  17. Enhanced Vertical Rectus Contractility by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Superior Oblique Palsy
  18. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates compartmental muscle mechanisms of human vertical fusional vergence
  19. Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral split lateral rectus transposition to the medial globe
  20. Magnetic resonance imaging of differential compartmental function of horizontal rectus extraocular muscles during conjugate and converged ocular adduction
  21. Phototherapeutic keratectomy
  22. Techniques, indications and complications of corneal debridement
  23. Supranuclear Eye Movement Abnormalities
  24. Therapeutische Excimerlaserchirurgie der Hornhaut
  25. Сollagen crosslinking of human and porcine sclera
  26. Scleral cross linking by riboflavin and blue light application in young rabbits
  27. Scleral mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia
  28. The choroid as a sclera growth regulator
  29. Encyclopedia of diagnostic imaging
  30. Current status on the development and treatment of myopia
  31. Extraocular muscles diseases
  32. Eye shape in emmetropia and myopia
  33. Horton tsai truwit hoyt
  34. Magnetic resonance imaging of innervational and extraocular muscle abnormalities in duane radial ray syndrome
  35. Measurement of recti eye muscle paths by magnetic resonance imaging in highly myopic and normal subjects
  36. Medial rectus muscle advancement in consecutive exotropia
  37. Summary of the gross anatomy of the extraocular muscles
  38. Surgical procedure joining the lateral rectus and superior rectus muscles with or without medial rectus recession for the treatment of strabismus associated with high myopia
  39. An approach to some aspects of strabismus from ocular and orbital trauma
  40. Brainstem pathways for horizontal eye movement pathologic correlation with mr imaging
  41. Functional imaging of human extraocular muscles in head tilt dependent hypertropia
  42. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of horizontal
  43. Image analysis of the inferior rectus muscle in orbital floor fracture
  44. Imaging findings in congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders
  45. Magnetic resonance imaging in congenital brown syndrome
  46. Management of strabismus in thyroid eye disease
  47. Orbital causes of incomitant strabismus
  48. The role of extraocular muscle pulleys in incomitant
  49. Amblyopia Challenges and Opportunities The Lasker IRRF Initiative for Innovation in Vision Science
  50. WSPOS Consensus Statement Myopia
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