Dear colleague,
The Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists welcomes you to its official website.
Our Association’s most significant advantages and achievements are:
- Leadership and uniqueness
Our Association is the first professional community for ophthalmologists and strabismologists in Russia. Moreover, we adhere to recommendations made by International Council of Ophthalmology. - Openness
The Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists is always open to new members and welcomes their proactivity and involvement in tackling common goals and tasks. - Accessibility
We are happy to inform you that the procedure of becoming a member of the Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists is very simple and accessible to all candidates. The accessibility of becoming a member of the Association is ensured by the lowest possible membership fee. - Voluntary involvement
Our Association is a voluntary professional community of ophthalmologists and strabismologists established for combining the efforts in protecting our interests and achieving common goals. - Supremacy
Members of the Association enjoy undeniable advantages, such as: being eligible for discounts for taking further vocational training courses and qualifying examination, receiving consultation related to professional activity, participation in dedicated online events (lectures, webinars), exchange of best practices and contributing to the development of Russian ophthalmology, discussion of pressing issues related to professional activity, etc.
Yours faithfully,
Council of the Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists