
About the Association

The Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists was first established in Russia in 2017. Sad, but true: until 2017, Russia did not have a professional association that would provide professional support and protection of interests of its members working in the field of ophthalmology and strabismology.

It should be noted that the Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists created in 2017 is a non-profit corporate organization with voluntary membership which does not pursue commercial goals.

The Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists was established in order to develop pediatric and adult ophthalmology, to represent and protect common professional interests of its members, to organize joint event for members of the Association, to provide ophthalmologists with an opportunity to develop their skills, share experience, break new grounds in ophthalmology, and to achieve socially beneficial goals.

Key areas of activity of the Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists are:
  • Representing and protecting mutual interests of its members, including professional interests.
  • Promoting development of pediatric and adult ophthalmology.
  • Fostering professional development and creative fulfillment of pediatric and adult ophthalmologists and strabismologists.
  • Coordinating cooperation on issues related to professional growth, professional adjustment of personnel and social security.
  • Assistance in human resourcing of medical institution in Russian regions through creating a unified database containing relevant information for doctors searching for employment or development of their professional skills.
  • Mutual support of members of the Association.


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